LEAP Legal Software

LEAP Legal Software and Circle Management Group — partners in your success.
LEAP Legal Software — a name that may be new to you — is the market leader and No. 1 legal software choice for law firms throughout Australia and the United Kingdom.
Having served firms abroad for more than 25 years, LEAP Legal Software is now making significant inroads in the U.S. with its impressive feature-rich program.
What sets LEAP Legal Software apart in a class of its own?
LEAP recognizes that every court system in the land is different — just as every law firm has its unique needs and ways of doing business. This is where LEAP Legal Software truly exceeds — LEAP builds software around each law firm’s needs, specific to both their area of practice and geographic location.
Recognizing that form libraries, judicial documents, letters, agreements, and contracts all have nuances that differ county by county, and state by state, LEAP has combined the power of feature-rich cloud-based practice management with localized libraries — this makes the firm’s work more efficient. When a firm logs-in to LEAP, it does not need to create custom fields within the application — they’re already there! LEAP’s implementation team is willing to put in the work to make that happen.
But that is not all — LEAP’s innovation continues to amaze with a rich and relevant feature set that is truly outstanding!
LEAP Legal Software Begins with Matters
The LEAP Dashboard is a list of all Matters. Search by Name, Property Address, Description, or any other practice area-specific field. Choose the Matter that interests you, then dive right in.
Inside the Matter screen, you have information specific to case type: for example, a Real Estate lawyer’s view might include Property, Housing, Mortgage and Realtor related information, while a Family Law attorney might see Marital Status, Spouse, Children, and other parties such as Mediator or Guardian. All of these data fields exist within the LEAP software and, when populated in the Matter, will automatically populate the hundreds of forms and templates available within LEAP.
SMS Text Messaging from Within the Matter
In this day and age, we all recognize that there is an undeniable need to communicate with clients through text messaging — if your firm is not offering clients this technology, another law firm will.
LEAP Legal Software provides text messaging capabilities from right inside the Matter screen! All messages sent and received are recorded and logged into the system. No more “lost in translation” mistakes because an Associate is stuck in court and can’t relay a text conversation back to the office.
Seamless Integration with Microsoft Office and Office 365
Whether you are using Office 365 in the cloud or still loving your desktop version of Microsoft Office, LEAP’s integration feels like home. With the most advanced Microsoft Word Toolbar Add-In we have seen, actions built into Word create a seamless and intuitive integration without having to leave the application. And, LEAP integrates beautifully with Microsoft Teams for improved internal communications in the most popular collaboration platform available:

Timestamp a document and Close;

Rename and Save back to the Matter file;

Update documents automatically (no more versioning!);

Add an Enclosure at the bottom;

Convert a document into a fax, email or letter!
Law Connect — The Client Portal Meets Advanced File Storage
Ready to take file sharing with your clients to the next level? Show them you take privacy and security seriously by utilizing Law Connect. Law Connect will revolutionize how you share documents with your clients.
For fans of document library tools such as Box, Dropbox, and others, prepare to be impressed: Law Connect is a clear differentiator as one of the only systems to replace and enhance the functionality available with standard client portal tools. Law Connect allows you to work with clients in a secure space, sharing documents, commenting on PDFs, and electronically signing agreements — all without the need to create metadata.

With Law Connect, you’ll be able to set time-boxed viewing limits on documents, then revoke access after projects are complete. Or import entire folders, preview items, compare, rename, and see a history of all changes.
Law Connect even allows a client to use their Law Connect space to work with more than one firm at a time — perfect for larger clients that work with a Business Law firm, a Real Estate Attorney, and an Estate Planner for example.
Desktop, Mobile, iPhone and Web Applications
Microsoft Office “Power Users” may prefer the desktop version of LEAP running securely in the cloud, while attorneys on the go will love the web-based and mobile apps. Each is rich in features with unique and important capabilities — such as the ability to dictate notes to Siri and have them recorded back to the file.
Place calls from the LEAP mobile app, and the system will also automatically time record your activity capturing billable hours with no additional effort!
Moving to LEAP Legal Software
To help firms take advantage of all that LEAP has to offer, Circle Management Group is facilitating migration from more than seventy-five (75) practice management applications at no added cost. In addition, both training and document template set-up are included.
Bonus: Website Included – with a fully functional CRM for Lead Tracking and Management
Would you like to start the client intake process electronically? How about scheduling with clients online, tracking Leads and Referrals, or even writing an online blog?
LEAP includes a website and fully-functional CRM with every law firm subscription.
LEAP is in your State!
After successfully focusing on the New York and New Jersey market with the goal of becoming the No. 1 provider of Law Firm software, LEAP has expanded to all 50 states, and is growing by “leaps and bounds” helping law firms successfully migrate to the cloud.
What better time for you to consider becoming a part of the LEAP family?
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