As a Sage Timeslips customer, it’s never been easier to work remotely and empower your business and customers through cloud-based technology.
We’ve put together a list of tools and helpful tips to keep your business on track when you may need to work somewhere other than your office.
There are several ways that you may be able to access your data remotely, and we recommend you work with your team at Circle Management Group to determine which method is best for you and your company. Some (but not all) of your options may include:
- Sage Timeslips eCenter is a remote data entry system where users will enter time and expense slips and an administrator would synchronize the premises-based system with the eCenter server data on-demand to download completed slip entries. A “Try-It!” run-through can be performed at for interested users. (Note: If you have Sage Timeslips Premium, your subscription includes one seat of Sage Timeslips eCenter, so you can get started today.)
- Back up your data daily and upload to an online storage service, like Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive so that you can access it remotely.
- Set up a terminal server or remote desktop that allows remote access to both the application and your database.
A commitment to the Sage family
As the situation surrounding COVID-19 continues to evolve and challenge our normal way of life and business, Sage wants to alleviate any worry as it pertains to utilizing your Sage Timeslips 2019 product and Sage Timeslips eCenter.
- Compatibility between Sage Timeslips 2019 and eCenter will continue until August 31st, 2020.
- Compatibility between eCenter and Sage Timeslips 2020 and Premium products will also remain unchanged until further notice.
We are here to help. Call us at 336-841-2187.