Key Security Challenges Law Firms Face that NetDocuments Solves

Key Security Challenges Law Firms Face that NetDocuments Solves

Data security is incredibly important today — this is the case across all industries. Many people may not realize that data security is of paramount importance to law firms as well, and stands as one of the key security challenges law firms face.

NetDocuments Solves a Law Firm’s Key Security Challenges

Law firms have a unique security challenge to overcome — they must maintain stewardship over their own firm’s data as well as that of their clients.

While it is true that the right tools and strategies will help your law firm ensure that the data in your possession is protected against hackers, how do you know which tools and strategies are the right ones for you?

NetDocuments offers built-in protection that lives inside the applications you and your associates already use, including Microsoft Office, so the end-user experience is friendly and readily adopted by all within your organization.

What Capabilities Does NetDocuments Deliver for Law Firms?

Think of NetDocuments as the foundation for a security platform in your practice.

One of the strengths you will recognize early on about NetDocuments is its ability to keep information extremely well-organized, ensuring that it doesn’t creep into a folder where it doesn’t belong — or, worse yet, into the wrong hands.

NetDocuments can make sure that only those with a “need to know” can access client-related data in the first place. This is a cornerstone of digital security — the ability of your law firm to be able to set access limits and restrictions to prevent unauthorized team members from accessing sensitive information.

When documents are stored in a traditional way on file servers, these access limits are not possible.

Among the capabilities NetDocuments delivers for law firms are the following:

Built-In Security for Law Firms

NetDocuments brings many advantages to the table, including the integration of advanced search and secure hyperlinks right inside the programs that you and your associates are already using. This “from the ground up” security ensures that your team can do their jobs without having to stop to think about information security, or learn a new program.

Built-In Compliance for Law Firms

NetDocuments understands how crucial regulatory compliance can be. The platform offers built-in compliance from the very beginning, helping to ensure that documents created by your legal team have a simpler time gaining approval from client IT and legal departments.

“Cloud-First” Security

In addition to the security that exists within the physical devices connected to your network, NetDocuments adds cloud security by protecting files both in storage, and in transit. Advanced file encryption ensures that files can’t be read without permission.

Ultimately, NetDocuments delivers robust solutions that support security for law firms and their clients. No matter your niche within the legal industry, your firm can benefit from this tool and the protection that it offers, helping eliminate one of the key security challenges law firms face today. Learn more about NetDocuments »

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