Health Check

Why Do We Need a Health Check?

  • Ask questions you may have about your software
  • Discover if everyone and everything is moving in the same direction
  • Address areas of concern
  • One-on-one advice from a specialist
  • Establish great habits (or confirm them!)
Schedule Your Complimentary Initial Consultation Today!

Circle360 Health Check Plans

Quick Checkup


What’s Included:

  • A one-time overview session with you to explore your application setup, usage, and configuration to identify issues and offer recommendations.
  • New Feature Alerts: Notifications are provided throughout the assessment which identify additional features and functionality that may be unknown to the firm.
  • Warnings & Recommendations: Notifications are provided throughout the assessment where issues are identified that should be corrected, or recommendations for improvement are discovered.
Schedule Now!



What’s Included:

  • A comprehensive evaluation of the setup, usage, and configuration of your application and data. A Findings Report will be created for you and reviewed as part of this package.
  • New Feature Alerts: Notifications are provided throughout the assessment which identify additional features and functionality that may be unknown to the firm.
  • Warnings & Recommendations: Notifications are provided throughout the assessment where issues are identified that should be corrected, or recommendations for improvement are discovered.
Schedule Now!



What’s Included:

  • A monthly checkup of your database and application health.
  • A summary report of any issues or concerns discovered during the maintenance process.
  • New Feature Alerts: Notifications are provided throughout the assessment which identifies additional features and functionality that may be unknown to the firm.
  • Warnings & Recommendations: Notifications are provided throughout the assessment where issues are identified that should be corrected, or recommendations for improvement are discovered.
Schedule Now!